Good Words for The Shadow of God
Steve Jackowski's book, The Shadow of God, is an excellent and entirely enthralling novel which depicts many facets of mental illness and how psychiatrists interface with patients in acute inpatient and longer term, outpatient settings. His story draws you in quickly and he keeps you intrigued with his well-developed characters. Jackowski leads his readers deeply into the workings of a mind struggling with mental illness constantly
piquing our curiosity. He brings into focus a character with a diagnosis that is exceedingly rare but fascinating and he does an excellent job of weaving the story around this already very engaging individual. - Dr. Sabrina Noël, Psychiatrist Jackowski lays out the information in such a way that everything is in place long before you discover it. This is a very smart book, perfect for both readers who like to try to solve the crime before the characters do and readers who love to reread mysteries to see all the hints early on.
Featuring fascinating characters, a rare psychological disorder, and twists that would make even the best mystery writers proud, The Shadow of God is one novel you don’t want to miss. Read more of this review.... |