Note from Steve:
I wrote this psychological techno-thriller to try to address the major political division in our country which could worsen due to deep-fake videos. As usual, I've included some interesting psychiatric cases. I was gratified to receive the following review from a confirmed supporter of our previous president: Are you a liberal? Are you a conservative? Doesn’t matter, read this book. I got part way through and thought, oh no, another novel, by a snowflake. But I continued. And so glad I did. This is not a Right-Wing vs Left-Wing Story, but a Right vs. Wrong one. But don't want to ruin anything, or the ending, of WHO IS RIGHT OR WRONG. (That is my only clue to a great finish that will you love). The Swimmer is a psychological techo-thriller that indicts Social Media: Mitch Hamilton is swimming nude in Monterey Bay. While he doesn’t understand why someone has driven him to this desperate act, he feels it is a fitting way to end his life. Samantha Louis, the talented psychiatrist we first met in The Misogynist, discovers that one of her teenaged patients has been driven to suicide by attacks on Social Media. And then, someone on Social Media begins a concerted effort to destroy her reputation. Neither is aware that they are just the first two pawns in a game where Social Media will threaten not only them, but those closest to them and even the entire country. |