Startup Posts
Here are posts about creating, managing, and selling startup companies
How to Build a Startup Company
How to Build a Startup - Part 2
How to Build a Startup - Part 3 - Funding
How to Build a Startup - Business Structure
Startups - The CEO Must Understand Operations
Building a Startup - Head in the clouds, feet on the ground
Stealth or Buzz? Beware of the BIG Guy!
Angel Funding
Why you should avoid Venture Capital
Should Your #Startup Try #Crowdfunding?
#Startup - Can YOU Swing for the Fences?
Mom and Pop?
#Startup - Go Big or Go Home?
Venture Capitalists Ruin Another Promising Startup
How to Ruin a Bootstrapped Startup
Preserving Startup Culture
#Startup - When Should You Throw in the Towel?
Build it or buy it? Which should your #startup do?
Negotiating Agreement
Selling/Purchasing a #startup - Assets or Shares?
Should You Join a #Startup Factory?
Selling Your #Startup
Selling Your #startup - Who, How, How much?
Selling Your #Startup - Mistakes I've Made
Disappointment after the sale of your #startup
Build or Buy?
Always Hire 10s!
Managing the Best of the Best
Eliminating Performance Reviews
Money and Motivation
Meetings: the best way to avoid work
Why You Shouldn't Become a Doctor